
-SPRING CONFERENCE- Developing the Master Adaptive Learner: Strategies for Teaching, Learning, and Assessing Clinical Reasoning
There is nothing more important than the practitioner's ability to listen carefully and think deeply in making the best decisions and clinical judgments that lead to quality patient care. When it comes to teaching, learning, and assessing clinical reasoning all health professionals struggle in finding the best way to facilitate learning and advance the development of clinical expertise. This course will provide an overview of key concepts central to teaching clinical reasoning through the development of a master adaptive learner (MAL) - a learner that can assess, adjust, plan, and learn while engaged in clinical practice. The course will address the central importance of learning concepts in the development of clinical expertise and clinical reasoning. Participants will engage in small group learning activities that focus on teaching and learning strategies that promote reflection, self-monitoring and the development of the master adaptive learner in clinical environments across the learner continuum.
About The Speaker(s)
Gail Jensen, PT, PhD, FAPTA, FNAP is Dean of the Graduate School and Vice Provost for Learning and Assessment, Professor of Physical Therapy, and Faculty Associate, Center for Health Policy and Ethics, Creighton University. She is known nationally and internationally for scholarly contributions in expert practice, clinical reasoning, professional ethics, and interprofessional education. Dr. Jensen is author/coauthor of more than 85 publications in peer-reviewed journals and 12 books, including Clinical Reasoning in the Health Professions (4th ed), Clinical Reasoning and Decision Making in Physical Therapy, and Educating Physical Therapists. She holds degrees from Stanford University and the University of Minnesota.