Pain SIG
- SIG Chairs: Chris Ashbeck and Kelly Ashbeck
- SIG Co-Chair: Kelly Ashbeck
- SIG Other Co-Chair: Chris Ashbeck
Mission Statement:
Elevate the status of physical therapists such that they are the providers of choice for persons in pain. Additionally, we aim to be a resource to our healthcare teammates, community partners and other relevant stakeholders.
PSIG Objectives:
The Pain Special Interest Group’s objectives shall align itself with APTA Wisconsin's Strategic Plan and thus will be divided into three categories: Society, Profession, and Association.
- Elevate physical therapist’s role within the pain care spectrum.
- Improve patient’s understanding of the role PT’s play in the treatment of pain including our ability to not only treat, but to assess pain and reduce the overall health care cost to persons in pain.
- Educate other healthcare providers of our skill set to safely assess, treat, and properly refer persons in pain to ease the strain on the healthcare system.
- Improve timeliness in which persons in pain access physical therapy services.
- Improve the PT professions understanding of pain neuroscience.
- Improve the professions understanding of sociohistorical and psychological factors contributing to the persistence of pain.
- Improve the clinical integration of pain neuroscience education into daily patient care.
- Improve the language PTs use when speaking with patients, moving away from “words that harm” and towards “words that heal”.
- Contribute to the reduction of siloed care that often accompanies persons in persistent pain.
- Improve collaboration with other relevant special interest groups, task forces and committees to improve efficiency of achieving the above goals.
- PT Early Access Coalition
- Autonomous Practice Committee
- Public Relations Committee
- Research Committee