
-SPRING CONFERENCE- We're So Smart and So Skilled! How to Make that Evident in Your Documentation
We’re SMART! We’re SKILLED! But that’s not often evident in our documentation. Why is that? Do we lose sight of the extensive education and treatment experience it takes to acquire our therapy skills? Analysis of impairments causing functional limitations defines our expertise. Integrating EBP and clinical reasoning into an effective and efficient person-centered treatment plan requires our knowledge, experience, and skill. Payors scrutinize our skills because our documentation does not accurately reflect our services. Could this be due to the “Paradox of Expertise”? We are the value – not the equipment or the number of visits. The payer wants to know that they are paying for a service that only you, a licensed highly educated and trained therapist, can provide. Effectively and concisely documenting your skill will demonstrate the value you provide and can reduce the risk for denials. Learn to document your skill necessary for optimal communication and reimbursement.
About The Speaker(s)
Jaclyn Warshauer, PT, is the National Director of Medical Review and Quality Services at Aegis Therapies. At Aegis, she monitors and trains on regulatory affairs, trains therapists on conducting documentation auditing, and is a resource regarding Medicare coverage, coding and documentation requirements. Prior to employment with Aegis, Jaclyn was a Medicare Medical Reviewer for 9 years with National Government Services (NGS), the Wisconsin Medicare MAC, and wrote the original version of the NGS Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) for therapy. Jaclyn has served as a resource to CMS on subjects related to coverage and documentation of therapy services. Jaclyn has conducted many national teleconferences and seminars on Medicare coverage, coding and documentation guidelines for rehabilitation services.